The topic of overwhelm is close to my heart, having been plagued by this several times throughout my life and if I'm not careful, it can still creep up on me. The difference now is that I understand my triggers and more importantly how to deal with them. That doesn't mean to say it's always easy. But I've learned to distinguish it from other feelings such as anxiety and fear.
If overwhelm is an issue for you then get yourself drink and take the next 5 minutes to read and enjoy
Causes of overwhelm
The main cause of overwhelm is information overload. When we have too much information to process in a given timeframe. Our minds were designed to focus consciously on one subject at a time, but living in the fast-paced, want-it-now world, this very rarely happens and therefore, we are forced to dilute our energy and mental clarity.
Overload can be self-inflicted, especially when we attempt to take on several things at once. It can also be inflicted on us by others when we are given tasks without assessing if we have the capacity. It can also occur when someone wants to share information; Sharing a lot of information all at once, when we have little time to process it can cause the conscious mind to shut down or feel foggy.
Setting Self Unrealistic Timeframes…
Giving yourself too many things to do in an allocated time. In business, this could be a result of you over-promising to deliver a piece of work by a specific deadline, or maybe you felt under pressure because of competition.
Again, over the years this has been one of mine. This comes in many guises such as in the workplace when you want to look good at what you do, or you never believe a piece of work is good enough.
Taking on too many tasks…
Be it in the work or home environment, if you want to be seen as someone who can get things done, you could be taking on too much and very little time to focus on one thing in particular.
Undefined or no boundaries……
This is a big one and one I see often in my clients. To seem willing, you agree to help someone when you know you do not have the time. Maybe you feel you have no choice as you were coerced into accepting a task. All this can lead to putting everyone else's needs before your own leaving you feeling resentful and undervalued.
Symptoms of overwhelm will vary from person to person, but from my own experience and that of my clients, the following seem to be the top 3.
Shortness of breath often coupled with yawning
When you feel that you are unable to take a full breath in, when your chest feels a little tight, this could be a sign of overwhelm either happening at that moment or a building up to it. For me when these 2 come together I know it’s time to slow down and meditate, even 5 minutes of meditation can give enough time to refocus and allow your breathing to return to normal.
Confusion or brain fog
Ever felt like you just cannot take any more information in? Some have described this as having a brick wall in their minds, where seemingly nothing seems to stay in your awareness.
This is your brain telling you to slow down or take a break. Not always that easy, I get it, but it’s always possible to take 5 minutes to get some fresh air or walk around the block. If needs must, you could always pop into the bathroom, just anywhere you can take yourself away from the situation.
Frustration and anger
Frustration and anger are often aimed at ourselves for not understanding something or because we feel that we are not good enough. Again, another sign that we are tired and doing too much.
Our body will tell us exactly what is wrong if we are willing to listen. When we don’t it will take action to slow us down or if desperate measures are needed, our body will make us stop in any way it can.
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